New Mobile Application Features to Save Lives

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

With our crowdfunding campaign complete, EyeGage is in the process of conducting clinical trials and research to accelerate our mobile application functionality. In its current state, our mobile app collects data that will be aggregated to develop a diverse baseline for all eyes, in general. This includes eyes that are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and not under the influence.
By downloading the app, participants are encouraged to share images and short videos of their eyes throughout the day; helping EyeGage develop drug screening technology that determines drug levels by using computer vision to analyze characteristics of the eye.
Launching this year, our app will include five exciting, new features. These features will improve individual safety and assist in the overall safety of our communities to decrease driving impairment.
The five new features include:
- Should I Drive?
- Eye Health
- Counseling
- FriendGage
- Drug and Alcohol Assessment

Should I Drive?
The "Should I Drive" in-app feature will be the base feature available in our freemium model. After taking a picture and video of your eyes, the app will provide a recommendation to call an Uber/Lyft based on the data collected. For liability purposes, this feature will not state that you are able to drive home until more data is collected through the clinical trials.

Eye Health
Do you want to know how your eyes compare to others? Are your eyes average and if not, how are they different? This feature explains where your eyes fall in the spectrum of eyes in your demographic.

Maybe you or a loved one could benefit from general counseling, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or an Al-Anon Family group. This feature connects you with local partners to fit your needs.

Are you looking for an accountability partner? Opt-in to share your confidential EyeGage information with a close friend or family member to ensure your safety.

Drug/Alcohol Assessment
This feature is builds on the 'Should I Drive" feature. After collecting the image and video of your eyes, this assessment identifies any drugs and/or alcohol in your system, measures concentration levels of each substance, and estimates your impairment level on a scale of 1-10. Categories of substances that EyeGage is able to detect are alcohol, marijuana, opioids, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines.
When compared to alternatives, the EyeGage mobile app offers benefits and innovation that are:
- Contactless
- Non-invasive
- Objective/unbiased data
- Secure, accurate and quick
- Does not require a clinical lab to analyze data
- Self-administrable if desired.
Early access to our new features begin in May 2021 when you contribute to our crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding ends on April 22nd, 2021. Visit our campaign to contribute and gain early access - https://www.eyegage.com/crowdfunding